mieyarm (Sapporo)



from Sapporo

After entering art college, she encountered contemporary dance and Butoh and immersed herself in physical expression.
While a university student, inspired by the music piece “zaumi” (a word meaning “superego”) by Kyoto-based electronic musician dagshenma, she presented many dance pieces that question the boundary between consciousness and unconsciousness.
From the “extension of the leg shaking”, she ponders the beauty of existence that each person possesses.
Currently, she performs theater pieces and collaborates with bands in various places outside of Hokkaido, from Tohoku to Taiwan.

zaumi” (Yamagata, Tohoku University of Art & Design)
UM” (Yamagata, Tohoku University of Art & Design)
Hitoyasashi” (Sapporo, Hiragishi High School Design Art Course OB/OG Exhibition)
Kangaeruhito” (Sapporo, Hiragishi High School Design Art Course OB/OG Exhibition)

nuno” (Yamagata, Tohoku University of Art & Design)
something living” (Yamagata, Tohoku University of Art & Design)
space” (Yamagata, Tohoku University of Art & Design)

Weekend Maboroshi” (Sendai, Sunaname Dance Company)

Philippe Scheerle, Art and Peace Studies Lecture Staff (Yamagata, Tohoku University of Art & Design)
Warming up” (Yamagata, Tohoku University of Art & Design)
Warming up2 (Yamagata, Tohoku University of Art & Design)

Mosquito” (Mingde Art Center, Taiwan)

Philippe Scheerle workshop staff (Hakodate, Japan)

Remote performance (YouTube, Narimasu Psychedelic Village Online)
Band performance collaboration (Narimasu zizi, Tokyo)

Choreographer for “March Yarn” (Saitama, Iruma City Atelier for Cultural Creation AMIGO!)

Philippe Scheerle Research Attendant (Sapporo, Japan)

大学在学中、京都の電子音楽家 dagshenma氏の楽曲「zaumi(超自我という意味の単語)」に触発され、意識~無意識の境界を問うダンス作品を多数発表。

『something living』(山形、東北芸術工科大学)


フィリップ・シェエール 芸術平和学講義スタッフ(山形、東北芸術工科大学)
『Warming up 』(山形、東北芸術工科大学)
『Warming up2 』(山形、東北芸術工科大学)


フィリップ・シェエール ワークショップスタッフ(函館、特別養護老人ホーム旭ヶ岡の家)

リモート出演 (YouTube、成増サイケデリック村オンライン)
バンド演奏コラボ (東京、成増zizi)

落ちてきた糸でんわvol.1 『三月の毛糸』振り付け(埼玉、入間市文化創造アトリエAMIGO!)

フィリップ・シェエール リサーチアテンド(札幌)