History of Butoh in Hokkaido
Hokkaido Butoh Festival Artistic Director Hal Tanaka’s Memories
The 5th episode
Forty years have passed since then.
The Hokkaido Butoh Festival 2024 will be calling for young Butoh dancers of the next generation, U35, from all over Japan and abroad.
In those days, it was common for Butoh dancers to be 35 years old or younger, and most of my seniors were in their 30s.
Now that I think about it, that old man and this old man were all in their 30s? Seriously?
People today are all younger looking than they used to be.

I sincerely hope that the power of the young will challenge them with all their might.
Is this butoh? What is butoh?
There is no need to think about such unnecessary things.
Just move your bod
舞踏の壁をぶち破るNEW ERAが世界から集うことを願って。
I hope that NEW ERA will gather from all over the world and destroy the common sense of Butoh.
Hal Tanaka
The Hoppou Butoh ha
photo Masamichi Shisa / 志佐 公道