History of Butoh in Hokkaido
Hokkaido Butoh Festival Artistic Director Hal Tanaka’s Memories
The 3rd episode
Later, The Hoppou Butoh ha moved to Tokyo.
I happened to have moved to Tokyo at the same time to be in a band.
One day I receive a phone call from Atsushi Takenouchi.
He said, “I found out that Hal is in Tokyo. We are in Tokyo too. We are going on a national tour, so you should dance with us.”
I found myself shaving my head, putting on a loincloth, and dancing all over Japan.
In the fall of my 18th year.
I was supposed to have moved to Tokyo to start my own new punk band, but I somehow ended up becoming a Butoh dancer.
There are many episodes from those days: to earn money for the Butoh company, we did physical labor such as civil engineering work, rehearsing from midnight to morning every day after work, living in a cramped community of men and women, and being unreasonably zen by our seniors.
Whenever I saw a senior member being beaten up by another member, I desperately thought of ways to avoid it.

It was all I could do to keep up with the fast-paced, ever-changing daily life.
Some of the younger boys who were staying at Bishop Yamada’s Kugayama house at the time would suddenly disappear one day.
(Bishop Yamada is the Leader of The Hoppou Butoh ha)
The stress of living in a stifling group was building up, and all the members were getting on edge.
They would get into serious fights over petty reasons such as, “Hey you, your feet stink”.
I began to think of this place as a prison.
The Hoppou Butoh ha
photo Masamichi Shisa / 志佐 公道