Aritsts (Butoh Dancers)
田仲ハル / Hal Tanaka (Otaru)
Artistic Director 田仲 ハル / Hal Tanaka from Otaru In 1982, he toured throughout Japan with a Butoh company.After...
鈴木大翔 / Taito Suzuki (Yokohama)
鈴木大翔 / Taito Suzuki from Yokohama Born in Hekinan City, Aichi Prefecture.Started street dancing at the age of...
役者でない / yakushadenai (Uji)
photograph : 田村 悠一郎 役者でない / yakushadenai from Uji yakushadenai (which means Not an actor) Stage Performer.Has...
副島日毬 / Himari Soejima (Toyota)
副島日毬 / Himari Soejima from Toyota Born in Aichi, Japan in 2005.She started learning street dance at the age of...
明夜 / Aki yo (Sapporo)
Host Dancer 明夜 / Aki yo from Sapporo Akiyo Butoh dancer, artist Almost self-taught in drawing since childhoo...
許文壕 / Manho HUI (Hong Kong)
許文壕 / Manho HUI from Hong Kong Those who failed to be doctors cannot call themselves doctors. Since I didn’t b...
Adama Traore (Burkina Faso)
photograph Mihee Suh Adama Traore from Burkina Faso Adama Traore is a Burkinabe dancer from Diebougou. Not onl...
オオ田ピニャ子 / Pinyako Ota (Asahikawa)
photograph Tracey Cui オオ田ピニャ子 / Pinyako Ota from Asahikawa She dances with the aim of embracing people through...
Miyu Leilani (Sapporo)
photograph Mihee Suh Miyu Leilani from Sapporo Miyu Leilani is an explorer. Half Korean half Japanese, L...
mieyarm (Sapporo)
mieyarm from Sapporo After entering art college, she encountered contemporary dance and Butoh and immersed her...
由佳 / yuka (Tokyo)
由佳 / yuka from Tokyo Butoh dancer. Studied under Butoh dancer Temmetsu from the age of 15 in 2016. She began f...
李珉柔 / Min-Jou Lee (Taiwan)
Min-Jou Lee from Taiwan Born in Pingtung, Taiwan in 1994. Now studying in M.F.A from Graduate Institute of App...
Aritsts (Musicians)
多門伸 / Shin Tamon (Osaka)
Shin Tamon from Osaka He is a member of the metal percussion unit “Weiches Loch”, the president of the record...
Jere Kilpinen (Finland/Osaka/Busan)
Jere Kilpinen from Finland, Osaka, Busan Jere Kilpinen, a Finnish-born artist currently working and living in...